Our Favourite place in Mexico – Guanajuato
Article updated on 01.19.23

Our Favourite place in Mexico - Guanajuato

During our month of volunteering at the ranch in Baja, we met Luis. Luis is from Spain but is married to a Mexican woman. He lives in Guanajuato and has several jobs; architect, artist and tour guide. We couldn’t have asked for a better way to visit this city than with Luis.

Camping in the city

Thanks to the iOverlander app, we found a nice $10 a night campsite overlooking the city, Morrill RV Park. It’s a 15 minute walk from downtown, even 10 minutes if we take the shortcuts through the tunnels. Guanajuato is an old mining town and has a lot of tunnels that we can walk or drive through to get from one side of the city to the other. To get back to the campsite from the city centre, it’s a bit longer, as the city is built on hills… so it’s a steep climb.

Visit of the narrow streets of Guanajuato

The old town is all paved and full of nice little restaurants, bars, cafes and little shops. You could stay there for weeks visiting all these alleys. All the houses are different colours, it’s beautiful!

Hiking in the hills of Guanajuato

The town is surrounded by hills and as Luis loves to hike, just like us, we took advantage of it!
At the end of the day on Sunday, we climbed a lighthouse… A lighthouse in the middle of the city? Yes, it was used in the past to give direction to the miners. The sunset was spectacular and we were accompanied by our friends Sophie and Max.

During the week we did another hike from the city centre to La Bufa. Just a few kilometres and a few hills later, we were immersed in nature with a breathtaking view of the city.

And finally, we couldn’t leave Guanajuato without visiting the famous giant Pipila statue. We preferred to walk up to it between the small streets rather than take the funicular.

The city of Guanajuato was a great discovery for us. Luis kept selling it to us as the most beautiful city in Mexico and we have to admit that we now agree with him. It is mostly visited by Mexicans and is still unspoiled by international tourism. What beautiful memories with our friends <3

Our buddies who will be missed <3